Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Desperados : Wanted Dead or Alive - RDO Resource

Inside .res file there is 'RDO ' (0x204F4452, notice the space at the end) entry resources.
Those resources can be managed like PICC, this type is like TOLG but notice the loop iteration (7 <> 5)


  unknow = read(4)    
  if (magic_number == 0x204F4452):    
   a = read(4)   
   b = read(4)   
   for i in xrange(0, 7):   
    if ((1 &lt;&lt; i) &amp; b):   
     width = read(4)    
     height = read(4)    
     is_compressed = read(4)    
     size = read(4)    
     data = read(size)    
     if is_compressed == 1:    
      data = zlib.decompress(data)    
Data is still 16bits image.
Few extracted images :

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